Calling returning members!

You can submit your renewal application starting 5/1.

Go to My Account tab and scroll to bottom to access form.

Tell your friends they can join starting 5/14.


Membership for 2024-25 SASO year will open for renewal on 5/01 and to new members on 5/14. Membership applications will be accepted until 5/31, or we reach capacity.


PLEASE NOTE: The SASO year starts 6/1, and runs until 5/31 of the following year. In order to renew, members must have completed/signed up for 3 events by 5/31.


**If the system asks you to update your contact info, click on My Info under Quick Links. You won't be able to view events without updating your contact info.


If you have any general questions before you received your welcome letter, please email Meg at
Membership questions can be directed to

Membership Requirements

  • Boys and moms must participate in at least 3 of the offered philanthropic opportunities together.
  • Volunteers must stay for the entire event, so pick your commitment based on your availability.
  • Boys may attend additional opportunities without their mom, as long as there is at least one mom supervising the group.
  • Annual dues are $30 for new and returning members. New members ONLY need to purchase lanyards for mom and number of sons joining for $4 each.